Question :

My husband did 2nd nikah without my consent and after 3 months he told me. He said will give me a seperate setup to which I said ok.. but now he has sent me a legal notice from arbitation court for the grant of 2nd marriage i asked about it and in reply he said he gave the application in june b4 that nikah … kindly guide me what he is upto and what will happen if he doesn’t get that Grant?? Is his second nikah remains valid??? We have a 1 yr old son and can he take him away from me after marriage?? Plz guide me


  1. Second marriage without the permission of the Arbitration Council is illegal. If you file a complaint against him, he may be sentenced up to one-year imprisonment and fine upto Rs. 500000/- only. Now he trying to deceive you, appear before arbitration council, told then regarding his second nikkah and refused to give your consent.
    he can not snatch your son if you take security measures in time, please call us for more consultation at 0321 4610092.

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