Question :

I have 5 kanals of commercial and 15 kanals of Agricultural land in my village. Which is occupied by my brother. He sows it, he reaps it, he gives it on “IJARAH” and he eats it. He does not provide me with a single penny.

Our father passed away two years back. He divided and converted (INTIQAL TAMLEEK) all of his property among his children when he was alive. Since his death, my brother took illegal possession & control of my lands and gives me nothing. He audaciously even says that he will never give me niether control of my property nor the income from my lands.
I need legal advice that what strict legal action should I take so that I could have total control over my lands.
I have also heard about “Illegal disposession Act 2005”. Does this act works in my case?
please advise.


  1. what is status in revenue department now…? if it is still joint property you may file a suit for partition in civil court for commercial property and may also get rent same time according to your share or it may also be deposited in court.

    for agricultural property you should file a partition case before concern Collector. if Property already in your name then you have many option. please contact us with details at or call +92 335 9099100

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