Question :

AOA! hope u r fine. my name is ali and i m from Islamabad.
i got married 3 years ago but due to some issues/reasons, we were unable to continue this relation and she claimed for divorce after given birth to a baby girl and left the baby in the hospital. she had given the statement to the hospital management that she will not claim or have any relation with the baby.

i m looking after my daughter and now she turns 2. last month i again got married. now my question is that, is there any possibility/law provision for change of name of mother in birth certificate or other related documents of my daughter?


  1. Mother name can not be changed….In my opinion you should not try to do it rather you should think what ll be happen if your ex wife claims her custody. you should have legal documents to show that you have custody since 2 years, is there any …?

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