Question :

distribution of inheritance  , My Question is that my father in Law has died & now the worth of house is about 90 Lacs & my Mother in Law is alive now what is division of amount in Children they have 1 Son & 3 Daughters.


  1. Juristic School: Imam Abu Hanifa or Hanafi School of Thought
    Amount 9,000,000.00

    Wife ………………………………….. 1/8—–5/40————1,125,000.00—12.5%
    Daughter…………………………. 7/40—-7/40————1,575,000.00—17.5%
    Daughter…………………………. 7/40—-7/40————1,575,000.00—17.5%
    Daughter ………………………… 7/40—-7/40————1,575,000.00—17.5%
    Son …………………………..,….. 7/20- –14/40————3,150,000.00—35%
    Total………………………………. 1/1—— 40/40- ————9,000,000.00—100%

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