Question :

i want to divorce my wife from UK but dont want to visit Pakistan, please let me know the procedure of divorce from  abroad.


  1. you can easily divorce your wife from UK and there is no need to
    visit Pakistan for that purpose.

    your lawyer/attorney from Pakistan can make all papers on your behalf.

    Procedure is simple and short;

    we ll prepare the divorce deed and ll sent you the same through email,
    same ll be sign by you in presence of two witnesses and then attested
    by Pakistani embassy.

    you ll send it to us by DHL, we ll get it registered before registrar and
    then same ll be sent to your wife and a notice to concern union council
    along with copy of divorce deed.

    union council/ Chairman Arbitrary council ll make try for reconciliation
    along with one representative from each side and after expiry of 90 days
    concern Union council ll issued the divorce effectiveness certificate.

    please call us for more details at +92 335 90 99 100.

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