Question :
Hi its Imran from Multan Pakistan
we have a problem one of the factories is run in our locality and the factory Installed a plant’s and heavy machinery back side of our homes, i am not only the person who affected with this Heavy machinery or boiler plants , many of residensey’s are effected with these plants , but probelm is that we are all very simple and belongs to lower class stage no one have heavey power to speak against these factory owners , if any oen speak they have a power and they can quite that man , in 2015 when the run the plant i was wrote a letter to DCO Multan on that letter i get many of signature of my locallty , MPA MNA , and many high authorty people’s and submiitte that application to DCO house multan but i Never heard back anything from DCO and still the factory is ongoing and working properly , in effect now when they Run the plant we feel earthquake and the nosiing of the plants effecting on hours life styles, and smog, smoke of the boiler plant effect on hour Lever, and we are facing , many of problems and diesese , i don’t have any way to rise my voice that these factory owners shutdown that platns ot change the location of the platns, and don’t have any power, so is there any one who help me or advice me what to do ? what is the rights of a any citizen what a citizen can do ?
Factory name is : khawaja chemical tenneris Nowab pur road Basti khair SHah multan
1 Comment
Gull Hassan Khan
you have used a wrong forum earlier, Its a case of public nuisance, you may file a case before a civil court without permission of Advocate general or you may file a complaint with Enoronmentant Authority.
The supreme court has held as under:
In the case of Islamuddin and others v. Ghulam Muhammad (PLD 2004 SC 633), it has been held as follows:-
“… there is no bar upon an individual to institute a suit for a right existing in his favour in respect of the cases pertaining to public nuisance without obtaining the consent of the Advocate-General, therefore, non-following the procedure under Order I, Rule 8, C.P.C. would not be fatal in given circumstances of the case.
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