I was about to get married but due to some misunderstanding b/w both family, we (Groom) family decided not to proceed further with this proposal. This decision took place b/w both families with consensus 20 days earlier of Nikkah/ Rukhusiti event. Since both families were preparing for the event, so they both book a hall and made other arrangements. Now from bride family, they are asking us to pay for furniture advance, groom Sherwani advance and Banquet advance etc. We also book bridal suit, Banquet advance and made other necessary expenses, however, we ( Grooms )family didn’t claim anything as yet. what should be our legal standing in this case ? should we pay them whatever the expenses they have incurred or not? we suffered loss as well.
1 Comment
Gull Hassan Khan
It was a mutual contract and if same was ended with mutual consents then no one can claim damages. If one party deliberately refused to Honour the commitment then the second party may claim damages through Civil COurt.
However, you should also claim your damages in this scenario through a legal notice.
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