Question :

dear sir

My father gave me a 10 marla house when i was 8 years old but he said he wont declare it or he would have to pay the property tax. since he was pensioner so he could evade property tax if he did n’t declare it in my name. Now after many decades when due to certain reasons we are selling it to LDA , I am the one who is signing every document or declaration. Transfer letter is also in my name . therefore i am the person who is legally authorized to accept the cheque. Does this not prove that I am the rightful owner of the house now and that he ( my father ) can’t take it back from me. Besides also shed some light on the fact that according to sharia is it not considered ” hibba” now. I am asking all this because my father insists that he didn’t give me this house and that it will be divided among all the siblings while all my life he has been telling me that this is my house. Please clarify.


  1. Gift ones given can not be taken back. you are already owner of house , so without your consent no one can taken it back,

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