Question :

Date of Niqah: …………………..
I would like to know about legal actions that can be taken in the following situation:
within one month of marriage, the husband and his family put allegation on wife in front of the wife’s parents and insulted them(wife was not present during this). the wife was at the parent’s house for exams. two days later husband messaged the wife never to come home and father-in-law messaged the wife’s parents “the relationship is stained beyond expectation. the relationship is over from our side”. furthermore, husband and his family did not respond to any calls. other family members had to be involved.
on 5-feb-2018 a meeting was held. during this meeting, the husband did not give any solid reasons for his behaviour. 25 days were given to the husband to keep in contact with wife and decide whether or not they want to continue the marriage. after 10 days of useless messaging, when the wife demanded what the husband wanted to do, husband stops contacting the wife.
what can legal actions be taken by the wife against the husband and his family in this situation?


  1. there are many options for a wife in this situation, She may file a complaint with police or with Commission on the Status of Women as per new laws to stay at her home.

    we recommend simple suit for maintenance allowances before Judge family Court.

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