Question :

state bank of Pakistan cancelled the license of Indus bank ltd 10-10-2000 and Indus bank closed. we were working with this bank and having a limit to get money from the bank for business purposes. our foreign orders and deals are in process and suddenly the bank closed. we have to face huge losses BCS of bank closing. However, we have near about 15 lakh Rupee to payable to the bank. we have tried to deal and ready to clear the bank but everything closed officially. due to the loss of business, we have to wind up the business. in 2002 I went abroad.
suddenly I have to find the legal notes from Peshawar high court personally or through Representative and pay your actual amount with mark up till 2020.( case title : Stat bank of Pakistan versus Indus bank).
kindly give us the legal assistance what we have to do? we want to pay the actual amount.
I have listened that in 2011 Indus bank pay the account holders fixed money against the order of the high court the actual money without interest.

(this case paragraph use: whee as the joint official liquidators of M/s Idus bank limited(U/l) has filed Civil Mics, applications bearing Nuo. 22-p/2020, 23-p/2012 and No 43-9/2019 & 44-p/2019 under section 62,63 read with section 78 of banking companies ordinance, 1962 for the settlement..)
waiting for you


  1. U need to engage a lawyer to present your case now, who ll negotiate with bank or request from court for settlement on the basis of payment of the actual amount.

  2. U need to engage a lawyer to present your case now, who ll negotiate with bank or request from court for a settlement on the basis of payment of the actual amount.

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