I have inheritance land which was owned by my father.
From the day i moved to UK, i have supported 100% financially. Before i came to the UK, he was in debt and i helped alot.
He has various land and properties, i have my younger brother living in one place but this individual has never worked in his life.
What can i do to obtain all the asset of my deceased father.
1 Comment
Gull Hassan Khan
Properties were owned by your father then now you are not an only legal heir of your father. Your younger brother shall also have equal right as u have. on the other hand, If you have the original documents properties and you may prove that those properties have been bought by you or through your money then you may claim it as Benami Transaction. for more info do consult us at ghkmayo@paklawyer.com or call @ +92 321 4610092.
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