Sir i want your guidance regarding the case that my sis got divorced and had a baby boy the father of son filed a case for custody of minorr of having 2yrs age but got denied by the court and got meeting with a child once in a month. (Decree annouced) now minor’s father gave application for meeting with a child on eid day. Can we challenge this as in decree he is allowed to meet child once in a month andno decision been made in decree regarding meeting on special ocassions.
And what can be maximum outcome if we deny his application.
And if we deny and court says to submit answer upon submitted application. How can we respond.
Please guide urgently
1 Comment
Gull Hassan Khan
r u sure that decree has been passed or only interim orders …..?
if decree has been passed then he may file a fresh application for meeting U/s 12 of Guardian and wards act and not in the same court or in same decree,
he may challenge the decree before appellate court,
on the other side child is still suckling baby who can not handed over to father for full night,
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