I have a plot of 34 marla in green town, Lahore.
I have the all the registry/fard documents.
I never had the possession of the plot, as it was a MUSHTARKA-KHATA, and 25 years ago it was an agricultural land (now its Urban property).
it’s about 6 owners in that co-owned Khasra-number – MUSHTARKA-KHATA (i do not know the other owners)
I am advised to file a partition-suit.
1 – what documents and things are required to start this suit?
2 – how long it may take?
3 – how much the expected cost?
4 – after this partition suit, what procedure should I take to get the possession and demarcation of my plot?
please reply
1 Comment
Gull Hassan Khan
as per law you are an owner in possession of every inch of un-partitioned land. Yes, you may take possession directly as a right. or may file a suit for partition and after partition, you may get possession through court.It may take 4 to 6 months.
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