A written promise to pay money that is often used as a means to borrow funds or take out a loan. The individual who promises to pay is the maker, and the person to whom payment is promised is called the payee or holder. If signed by the maker, a promissory note is a negotiable instrument.
Place, date and time and signature of maker are necessary on the promote,20 Adhesive stamps are also mandatory requirement for a valid promissory note.
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Gull Hassan Khan
A written promise to pay money that is often used as a means to borrow funds or take out a loan. The individual who promises to pay is the maker, and the person to whom payment is promised is called the payee or holder. If signed by the maker, a promissory note is a negotiable instrument.
Place, date and time and signature of maker are necessary on the promote,20 Adhesive stamps are also mandatory requirement for a valid promissory note.
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