Question :


My father left two properties of 120 sq yards. The utility bills of one property are in the name of my father while the bills of the other property are still in the name of my uncle (the younger brother of my father). The property files are in the custody of my eldest sister who refuses to give me my due share in the property. She says that the property is not in the name of my father that’s why i can’t claim the share. Please note that we have been living in the said properties since the very beginning. Each and every floor is constructed by my father. As far as my knowledge is concerned, one of the houses was gifted to my father by his younger brother while the other house was bought by my father from his aunt but he never transferred the documents in his name. However, he had the power of attorney.
Please guide me what to do and how to get my share in the said properties




  1. File a suit for declaration of property first in you name. official of society and copies of documents can be summoned through court. after declaration in your name , you may claim partition of suit property.

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