Question :

I applied for a wireless operator (BPS 7) in special protection unit (Punjab police) in 2016 March.
Also, I applied for intelligence OPERATOR (BPS 7) in the special branch (Punjab police) in 2016 May.
I received an appointment letter from special protection unit in (January 2017) and I joined the duty as a wireless operator.
After three (3) months of my job as a wireless operator, I received the appointment letter in( April 2017) from the special branch as intelligence operator.
I sent my resignation letter to the concerned authority to CPO Lahore, which is signed by my in-charge (inspector) of special protection unit.
I have joined special branch in April 2017,
but my resignation is not approving.
Please help me
My phone number 03087070456


  1. It is your fundamental right to chose the job of your choice, as when you applied for the Job you were not a government servant, without wasting of further time, file a writ petition before the high court for redressal.

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