Question :

salam hope you are well.i was married 2 years before but didn’t wife spent 3 months with me then she went to her parents house she lived there 9month in 9 months she did not even contact me .then i contact her and after effort she came ,, then she spent one month with me and again went to parents house .. now their uncle approach us to give us talaq and before that they ask us to give back their JEHAZ . they came and collect the things from us .. now they said we will make a written agreement ( i can send u if u want ) in which they will write they will not ask us for haq e meher…. we asked them to get this sign from my x wife in which they are not agree…… i want to know what i can do??? and if they will go to court what we will do


  1. In my opinion, you should discuss these things in detail with us at our office. However, if the wife is not issuing a receipt then she may claim it later.

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