Dear Sir,
I understand that WILL of a person has no legal status. In such case, I need general info and will appreciate the reply if a person dies with following status then how his assets shall be distributed:
1) No Childeren/Grand children alive
2) Widow/Wife alive
3) Parents alive/Father or Mother alive
4) Two brothers married and alive
5) Person is domiciled in Punjab, live in Lahore and has no foreign assets. All assets are local in Pakistan i.e. Banks, Plots, etc.
6) Sect is SUNNI
What could be the possibility if he has a different wish/will from the Law of the Land ?
1 Comment
Gull Hassan Khan
No, sir, there is no such prohibition. A Will should be registered before registrar then the same ll be binding upon legal heirs. you may call us for more information.
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