1:If Anyone have filed a writ petitition can he request for documents from opposite party through court.
2:can we submit an application if opposite party have not replied to the show cause on CPC within fortnight. The next hearing date is month late but the time for show cause is up.
3: can a person add the illegal selection of another post in its own writt petition. The pettitioner is not agrivied person but the same selection board after one month have selected a person illegally.
1 Comment
Gull Hassan Khan
1. yes, it can be requested through court and court may order to submit the documents .
2. it can be better answer by your own lawyer according to order of court, it ll be better if you can wait for next date of hearing.
3. yes, reference can be given for such illegal post and even otherwise any citizen has right to awoke the jurisdiction in writt petition against public functionaries if they perform any illegal act.
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