Sir, I want to change my date of Birth on metric certificate my case is here,
-my DOB on Metric certificate is 01-09-1987
-On CNIC currently 30-8-1992
-I have a normal birth certificate too with 30-8-1992.
-I have done my Metric In 2004.
-I have changed my DOB on CNIC in 2016 with all legal procedure after DHQ Medical assessments and normal birth certificate,
Please guide me is it possible to change on Metric Certificate? how much time this procedure will take?
1 Comment
Gull Hassan Khan
yes, if you already got a decree from the court than it ‘ll be changing easily. It should have been included in the same suit for declaration. However, on the basis of the previous decree, you may get it to declare easily in a new suit before the civil court.
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