Question :

I want to ask about gender identity disorder. Since I remember (About age of 5 or 6) I am feeling attraction towards boys and inside feel female. My biological birth sex is male but inner-self is female. I perceive and see the world with the female brain. I am now 30 years old and have 5TH relapse of major depression episode. I am diagnosed with major depressive disorder due to my gender identity disorder. I am currently living in UAE and going to the Khalifah Medical hospital. I have been diagnosed by Gender identity disorder BY THE PYCHATIRY DEPARTMENT. I do not remember when I felt like male in true manner. Even from sexual point of view I am only attracted to males. In wet dreams I see only males and I have never erected thinking of female. In Childhood also I was attracted to female toys as told by my mother. Now doctors suggested that I should change myself and live as female through hormonal and sex reassignment surgery as i have a female brain and in order to match your body with your mind. Is it allowed by high court in Pakistan as i have heard? According to which law it can be allowed.




  1. Yes, you can easily get the same permission from High Court under Art.199 of Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. In my opinion there is no such need of permission as already a decision of Honorable Court exist for same matter.

    After change of sex you have to file a suit for declaration before civil court to get a decree for declaration of change of your sex. only then your new name and sex shall be incorporated in all kind of documents i.e ID card, educational , property documents etc.

    for more info or fee related queries do consult us at

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