Question :

Aslam o Alaikum

With due respect, I want you to put deep consideration on my case. My mother passed away and my grandfather(mother’s father) has distributed property between legal heirs. My mother has 4 brothers and 3 three step brothers. One brother has also passed away.
Now They are saying that the family of the deceased daughter cannot claim their portion as after death they have no relation with the legal heirs of the deceased daughter. They are meant by saying this, they actually want to retain the portion within of the property legally belongs to my mother.
Now sir I want you to answer this case.
Whether I’m rightful heir?
Which inheritance act is applicable SUCCESSION ACT 1925?
PROPERTY is in Punjab and I’m in hyderbad sindh. My mother has no domicile but has temporary address of hyd and PERMANENT of Punjab at her NIC. If I file a case what will be jurisdiction of hearing I mean whether all hearings will be heard here in hyd or there in Punjab where the property is located?
Can I myself exercise advocacy duty at court as not able to pay fees?


  1. Yes, you are legal heir and has right to claim the property. Suit can be filled where property exist. you may present your case in-person if you knows the legal terms. its better to engage a lawyer as same is a technical matter.

    Section 4 Of The Family Court Act, 1961 deals with your matter along with other laws for declaration of your rights.

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