Question :

Sir, Asslam-o-alaikum,I am Govt. servant in a research wing, I was nominated for Ph.D studies after completion of my studies joining the department, it was my first day, when director of department insulted because already a person was there that was not in my favour. I was silent but he continued this practiced after joining the six weeks, a warning letter was issued by the director to me and my in charge officer, charging false allegations,after issue warning letter ‘called me and my in-charge officer in office an said” have you received this letter ” I said” yes” and said to him this not true and he become hyper and said” I will call the persons from DG office ” I said ” if you call the persons for fighting and they will beat me I can also buy a kartoos of five rupees”. he wrote a letter to DG and blamed me of shouting and threating .He ordered for probe enquiry. DG is his class- fellow now they have proved me guilty. but in-charge officer have gave written in my favour and performance and said behavior of director is wrong. they are going for penalty. what I do for this should because for this?


  1. if you are sure that committee ll declare you guilty then you may challenge it firstly before your competent authority and then before high court.

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