Question :

I have done my BE Electronics. I am doing a job in an organization at a post of Assistant Manager (Technical). This is offered to me on my qualification in Electronics as fresh graduates/ Engineer.
Problem is that my company sent me at site on 10 Oct 2014 for a project and has made an office order on paper for me that you are made store keeper of that project without having prior training , courses, prior experience and more over they even did not show me that office order at that time and when i came back after completion in March 2015 then i come to know that i was incharge of the project and every inventory/ store item should be on my name. Moreover i was doing my duty from 0700 hrs to 0400 hrs as order by my senior officers present at site.
Please tell me any legal soultion as i didnoy have any experience related to Store matters neither they trained us and i even receive my office order. so i could i take all the items on my charge


  1. you should work as per order of your superior officer but for your safety and for the purpose of record you should kept inform your superior officer in written through proper channel. Follow the SOP available at site or file a complaint in writing if same is not available.

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