Question :

I am 24 years old girl and I was married 2 months ago. my marriage is not going well. my husbands mistreat me sexually I have gone through a lot of mental abuse daily, he also treats me if I will not accept what he says I will be troubled more and he has blamed me of abortion and I have not done that. he also said to me if a situation comes to the point of divorce or separation he will kill me. I know that he will not divorce me and then I want khula from the court. he has forced me to leave my job as a private school teacher which I have left in pressure I have certain questions regarding this matter I want their answers urgently it is almost my last hope
1. what are the grounds for taking khula in this case?
2. what is the procedure to take khula?
3. do I need the permission of my parents or some other family members as it is an arranged marriage?
4.besides the Haq Mehr my husband has given me only 15 k money in the expense and I haven’t received any gifts from my husbands besides some dresses and and other small items from his family and which were not demanded at the time of marriage those were only their own will
do I have to return these items or return the money or all those things?
5. what is the fee of a lawyer in this case in Islamabad Pakistan as I am not a very financially strong person and are there any NGOs which can help me if I independently take this decision?
6. in the dispute that aroused on this Eid ul azha my father in law has threatened my father of court case and police can my parents and family face any legal problems in this case although it is my decision solely


  1. First of all, I ll strongly recommend to visit our office for counselling. Nowadays Our laws fully support the women then why you are afraid of a coward person.

    1. Khula is right of women, so there is no such need of any Ground.
    2. Khula Procedure is much simple, Engage a lawyer m who ll prepare your case and the same ll be filled in family court. you need to appear before the court only once time to record your statement and that’s all. Normally it takes 40 to 60 days for all proceedings.
    3. No, No permission is necessary.
    4. In case of Khula you to return only 25% of Given Haq Mehar and nothing else. (Only received Haq Mehar which is written in Nikkah Nama)
    5. It could be negotiable depends on the standard of a lawyer. NGOs are there but we can’t recommend.
    6. If there is any threat your father should file a complaint well in time. You may file a complaint before police against them for torture, sodomy and threats etc.

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