Question :

Dear Sir,

I need your kind advice on Virtual University Lahore.

The problem is:-
I am a student of VU of MBS program since 2012. I was not able to pay my fee for last semester and VU blocked my account and due to this reason I was not able to study and appear in Final Term exams. I informed and requested the VU authorities several times but there is only one reply, “I have to pay the full fee”.

In last semester I was studying 2 subjects only. VU now asking me to pay the full fee again for these 2 subjects. They did not allow and opened my online study account until they get the full fee for last semester even though I was blocked by VU and semester and time is went in waste.

I am requesting VU to charges me only until the day you blocked me but there is no body to help or listen my request. Now they came up with another issue saying, “I did not freeze my semester so I have to pay the fee again”. Sir, once you have already blocked me and I am not able to do any then why you are charging me again.

Please advise, what I have right a student how you can help me on this matter. I am student of VU from UAE.

Thank you very much



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